Friday, January 29, 2016

Negative News Not Found!

Have you been noticing the news is a little negative? A little harsh? Elections. Economic changes. Global unrest. And all the other "stuff". What does one do? Only the other day I read an article from a main stream media outlet that said "Are bad headlines...

Andover group to offer overview of local trails

A workshop on "Talking the walk - discovering Andover's hiking trails" will be offered at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 10, in the library of the Andover Elementary and Middle School (AE/MS) in Andover, N.H.   Open to the public at no charge, the evening...

Flirty Dresses for a Girl's Night Out + Molly Bracken

*This post highlights flirty dresses and features items that were gifted to me for a product review Hey Everyone! For all of you single ladies out there, Valentine's Day doesn't always have to be spent with a significant other. Sometimes it's fun to...

Chic Loungewear + Grey State Apparel

*This post highlights chic loungewear and features items that were gifted to me for a product review Hey Everyone! I can't believe that January 2016 has come and gone so quickly. Why does the universe want me to get older so fast? LOL! My birthday is...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Inside Job: A Movie Review

James L. Gattuso began his article, "Meltdowns and Myths: Did Deregulation Cause The Financial Crisis," with the following: "easy answers are seldom correct ones." The film, The Inside Job, was most impressive with its data on the financial crisis of...

How to build traffic…

How to Build Traffic So you're writing your heart out. Fingers cracked and bleeding. Eyes bleary, blood-shot. On the verge of caffeine poisoning. Your reward: Three people have read your blog. Another five have noticed your Twitter post. No one clicked...

The long wait is over: Saeed Abedini back on U.S. soil

By Dan Wooding Founder of the ASSIST News Service NORTH CAROLINA  - The long wait is finally over for Saeed Abedini, the 35-year-old American pastor imprisoned in Iran, when the plane he was traveling in, touched down on U.S. soil Jan. 22 at a North...