Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How To Plan Google Analytics Alerts To Improve Your Site or App Traffic

Analysis can be fun, discovering new marketing ideas from the data collected, but in many instances it is counterproductive to check metric changes daily. While advertising campaigns need it to make sure budgets are not exceeded, daily checks can lead...

Lord Grant Me Favor In Your Sight

A prophetic rhyme I must share, as a Prophet of God. Lord, Grant Me favor in your sight. "Thou hast granted me life and favor, and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit." (Job 10:12 ) He showed me all the pain and plight; your enemies with all their...

Perez: 'Good teacher' points us toward eternal life

By Nick Perez Special to Inside The Pew "And a ruler asked him, 'Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?' And Jesus said to him, 'Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments: "Do not commit adultery,...

Holy Christian Orthodox Church announces the sainthood of MLK

Special to Inside The Pew Archbishop Timothy Paul, president of the World Bishops Council and Patriarch of the Holy Christian Orthodox Church (HCOC) and Christian leaders from across the globe, along with local and national civic leaders will gathered...

I sit in the room alone with her as  I contemplate all things which have been revealed to me over the last days.   She has had completely lucid conversations with beings in my presence.   My time has been both frightful as well as exhilarating...

How to deal with loneliness at Christmas

By Rusty Wright Special to ASSIST News Service MOUNT HERMON, CA  - 'Tis the season to be … gloomy? Feeling low this Christmas season? You're not alone. Amid cheery songs, festive parties, gifts and good wishes, many lonely people are crying or dying...

To make a difference you have to be different

By Shirley Weber Special to Inside The Pew Do you know your identity? To me this question was one I could not really answer without confusing myself even more. As I became a teenager up into my early adulthood, I went through an identity crisis. An identity...