Saturday, April 11, 2015


How much money does a person have to make to be a success? How many awards must an individual receive in order to be deemed successful? According to New York Times columnist David Brooks, even if you achieve Hall of Fame success status like some great athletes, it might not be enough. Brooks said some athletes simply can’t see past themselves:
Self-preoccupied people have trouble seeing that their natural abilities come from outside themselves and can only be developed when directed toward something else outside themselves. Enclosed in self, they come to believe that their talents come from self [and are for themselves]. . . . Locked in a cycle of insecurity and self-validation, their talents are never enough, and they end up devouring what they have been given. 
According to the writer of 1 Chronicles, David didn’t have a problem seeing that all he had came from outside himself and that his fame was to be directed toward Someone outside himself. After the people gave generously toward the construction of the “holy Temple” (29:3), David praised God (v.10). The king declared that God was eternal, all-powerful, and sovereign over all (vv.11-12). In spontaneous gratitude, David thanked and praised the Lord as the source of all personal and corporate greatness, strength, and wealth—acknowledging the insignificance of those things and his dependence on Him. Then he assured God that He could rejoice over His people, for the resources the people had given flowed from hearts motivated by integrity, willingness, and joy (v.17).
The cure to self-preoccupation is to look outside ourselves and worship and praise God as the eternal and sovereign source of all we have! —Marvin Williams

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